poor relation

美 [ˌpʊr rɪˈleɪʃn]英 [ˌpɔː rɪˈleɪʃn]
  • n.略逊一筹的事物;不受青睐的事物

复数: poor relations

poor relationpoor relation


something that is not treated with as much respect as other similar things because it is not thought to be as good, important or successful

poor relation


  • 1
    N-COUNT (相似或从属但)相形见绌的东西
    If you describe one thing as a poor relation of another, you mean that it is similar to or part of the other thing, but is considered to be inferior to it.

    Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.


  1. Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting .


  2. Software has long been the poor relation of Chinese technology .


  3. Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting .


  4. A poor relation is the most irrelevant thing in nature .


  5. It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relation .


  6. He spurned a poor relation from one 's door .


  7. For many years energy efficiency was the poor relation to cutting-edge clean technology initiatives like wind and solar .


  8. Here she was much happier , despite being the poor relation , dependent on charity .


  9. But Tess 's pride made the part of poor relation one of particular distaste to her .


  10. Second , they rely on a system that has long been marked by a poor relation between national health and social care services .


  11. The air force and Navy were modernised but the army , very much the poor relation , was not .


  12. Antibacterial research , too long the poor relation of lifestyle drug discovery , is once again a topic of heated discussion and cutting edge research .


  13. In terms of prestige and kudos , the League Cup is almost like the poor relation of the domestic Cup competitions .


  14. This was not from any love of the subject I considered folklore a poor relation to literature but out of sheer expediency .


  15. Combine the angle circulate from the system investigated the poor relation main factor , the legal system , the related system reform of the management and the guarantee system implement etc. exterior factor .


  16. Mr Shapley is one of the key figures in co-operative game theory , which for decades looked both abstract and pointless , a poor relation to regular game theory .


  17. The construction industry workforce must no longer be treated as the poor relation in the labour market and those in the industry must show a much greater respect and pride in its workforce .


  18. The occurrence of behavior problems were related to their parents ' mental illness , low degree of education , heavy drinking , introvert personality , long time leaving from family , unsuitable education ways to the children and poor relation with the children .


  19. The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering , a brand-new award , is a conscious attempt to sprinkle a similar kind of stardust onto engineering , which has long worried that it is seen as a bit of a poor relation to more academic science .


  20. Poor social relation network causes high employment cost , limited employment trade and un-sufficient employment chance for woman relocates .


  21. After analyzing of industry linkage , we found that there was a poor indirect relation between electronics & communications industry and related industries .


  22. The common ill family types are the risky family , low socioeconomic status family and poor marital relation family . And they all have ill effects to the emotion , sociality , characters of children .


  23. The risk factors for depression in mid-late pregnancy were low education , unemployment , poor marital relation , lack of family support , low income , fear to pregnancy , history of low mood in pregnancy and negative life event .


  24. Methods 22 cases of mandibular fracture were treated simple intermaxillary elastic traction , and other 138 case underwent internal fixation ( including 46 cases of poor maxillary occlusal relation going through intermaxillary elastic traction simultaneously ) .
